Hemp bedding for horses is gaining popularity due to its many benefits. Aubiose, a renowned brand of hemp bedding, offers an ideal solution for maintaining a clean and healthy environment for horses.
In this article, we will explore in detail how to set up and maintain Aubiose hemp bedding, as well as why it is a unique choice.

How to Refresh Your Hemp Bedding for Horses
If you have chosen Aubiose bedding, note that setting it up involves certain key steps and specific equipment. Don’t worry, installing bedding for your horses is still a breeze.
Equipment to Prepare
Here’s what you’ll need:
- About 7 to 8 bales of Aubiose hemp bedding to create the bedding in a standard 3.5 x 3.5 meter stall.
- A manure scoop or fork.
- A wheelbarrow or cart.
The 3 Steps to Install Hemp Bedding for Horses
1. Remove Manure from Your Horse’s Stall
When removing manure, it can be tempting to dig deep into the bedding to ensure all soiled material is removed. However, this method disrupts the structure of the bedding and reduces its effectiveness. By digging, you would mix the dry upper layer with the wet lower layer, reducing its absorption capacity.
Since moisture naturally descends to the bottom due to gravity, it is recommended to pull the bedding from the edge of the stall to create a flat surface instead of digging. This way, you preserve the layered structure of the bedding. The lower layer remains compact and moist, while the upper layer stays dry and soft. This layering is essential for maximizing absorption power and countering moisture.
Not digging also means less daily work and reduced consumption of bedding bales. In other words, the technique is more economical in the long run.
Use a manure scoop or fork to carefully remove the manure from the surface of the bedding. A flat surface within your horse’s stall, in addition to facilitating moisture drainage, ensures even distribution of pressure when the horse moves or lies down, leading to better comfort.
Just like your mattress!
2. Scrape the Dry Layer of the Hemp Bedding
Regularly scraping the dry layer reveals the moist layer underneath and allows you to assess its condition. Ideally, scrape the dry layer every 5 to 10 days. Again, use a manure scoop or fork for this step. Work methodically across the stall, ensuring not to disturb the lower layer.
If the moist layer of the bedding turns reddish rather than brown, it’s time to remove it.
Is It Necessary to Fully Replace Your Horse’s Hemp Bedding?
No, it is no longer necessary to fully replace the bedding in your stall—only the areas that need it!
And that moment has just arrived. You will now remove the wet layer from a specific area of your stall.
Before proceeding with the removal, you have followed the previous steps and, as usual, gently scraped the upper dry bedding layer (again using a manure scoop or fork…). Your work has allowed you to discover a reddish underlayer that needs to be completely removed. Scrape the wet layer until nothing remains.
Once this step is completed, place a new layer of dry bedding in the cleaned area of the stall.
Press firmly on the new bedding to form a solid and even base.
If necessary, add a new bale to fill in the area and maintain an adequate bedding thickness. This addition allows you to create a new berm at the edge of the stall, preserving the freshness of your bedding for longer.
Other Signs Indicating It’s Time to Remove Part of the Wet Layer of Your Horse’s Bedding
A strong ammonia odor in the stall indicates excessive urine accumulation.
This accumulation can be irritating to horses’ respiratory tracts, especially the most sensitive ones, and can lead to respiratory health issues. If you notice a persistent ammonia smell, it’s time to refresh the saturated part of your bedding.
Fortunately, with Aubiose, you only use half a bale per week, or one bale for the messiest horses…
The Benefits of Hemp Bedding for Your Horses
- Hemp bedding is dust-extracted, reducing the risk of respiratory problems in horses.
- Hemp bedding helps maintain a dry environment, reducing the risk of inflammation and pain in horses prone to laminitis. The absence of moisture also decreases the risk of hoof infections.
- As for Aubiose hemp bedding, a single bale is usually enough for a week, even for the messiest horses. The time savings are real, as are the reduced maintenance costs. Aubiose bedding is grown in France without pesticides or insecticides.
- Hemp bedding for horses, particularly the type offered by Aubiose, is gaining popularity due to its numerous advantages. By following these recommended steps, you will maintain a clean, dry, and healthy environment for your horses.
- Hemp bedding offers significant benefits in terms of quality, reduced respiratory issues, and lower costs. Choosing hemp bedding for horses like Aubiose means opting for the quality and comfort of your equine companions!