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Hennepstrooisel vs Traditioneel strooisel : voordelen en nadelen voor uw paarden

De keuze van de litière voor paarden is cruciaal voor hun welzijn en algehele gezondheid. Twee populaire opties zijn hennepstrooisel en traditioneel strooisel, elk met hun eigen voor- en nadelen. In dit artikel zullen we deze twee soorten strooisel in detail bekijken om u te helpen de beste beslissing te nemen voor uw paardenpartners.

Voordelen van hennepstrooisel

  1. Superieure absorptie : Hennep staat bekend om zijn uitstekende absorptievermogen. Het kan tot vier keer zijn gewicht aan vloeistof absorberen, wat het ideaal maakt om de stal van uw paard schoon te houden.
  2. Geurvermindering: Door zijn hoge absorptievermogen helpt hennepstrooisel om onaangename geuren in de stal, vooral ammoniakgeur, te verminderen, waardoor een aangenamere omgeving ontstaat voor zowel paarden als mensen.
  3. Milieuvriendelijk: Hennep is een hernieuwbare en milieuvriendelijke hulpbron. Het composteert snel en kan worden gerecycled als compost na gebruik.
  4. Laag stofgehalte: In vergelijking met sommige traditionele strooisels bevat hennepstrooisel minder stof, wat gunstig is voor de respiratoire gezondheid van paarden, vooral voor degenen die vatbaar zijn voor longproblemen.

Is Hemp Bedding More Expensive? A Common Misconception…

When calculating the overall cost over six months, it turns out to be lower than wood shavings, for example.

The purchase of a single bale of Aubiose is indeed more expensive than straw or shavings.

However, week after week, the consumption is lower! Hemp bedding also helps reduce manure management costs since it generates less waste.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Bedding

Straw, wood shavings, recycled newspaper… There are many types of bedding for your horses. The most well-known remains straw bedding, which has advantages but also some disadvantages that hemp bedding skillfully overcomes, being less dusty and more absorbent.


  1. Wide Availability: Traditional beddings, such as straw and sawdust, are often readily available in many regions, making them a convenient choice for many horse owners. For most animals, stagnant moisture is responsible for the appearance of cracks, especially in chickens, and the development of diseases. In horses, damp bedding worsens hoof issues in sensitive subjects. Hoof rot is also a recurring problem in horses. As mentioned earlier, bedding with low absorbency requires more frequent changes to ensure cleanliness and animal comfort.
  2. Not Suitable for Horses with Respiratory Issues: Some types of traditional beddings, like sawdust, produce a lot of dust. This dust is inhaled daily by your animals, potentially leading to respiratory disorders and asthma over time. Equine asthma is a serious condition, recognizable by wheezing and coughing fits that tire the animal and reduce its performance.
  3. Heavier Environmental Impact: The production of some beddings, like straw, has a greater environmental impact than hemp beddings due to the intensive water use required for crop growth.


  1. Lower Absorption Capacity: Compared to hemp, traditional beddings have a lower absorption capacity, except perhaps for flax bedding, which is widely used in racing.
  2. Affordable Cost: Generally, traditional beddings seem more affordable, which can be a determining factor for tighter budgets. However, other factors, such as the time and effort spent renewing bedding that gets dirty quickly, should be considered. Ultimately, a cheap bedding can turn out to be a poor calculation and a regrettable purchase.


The choice between hemp bedding and traditional bedding will depend on your criteria. Always consider the specific needs of each horse before making a decision.

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