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How Much Bedding Should You Prepare for Your Horses ?

✨ The 4 Key Points to Remember from This Article:

  • The amount of bedding to spread depends on several factors.
  • For a 9 m² stall, 6 bales of 20 kg of Aubiose bedding will be needed at the start, and then one bale or half a bale per week will suffice. 🤸‍♀️
  • An ideal bedding thickness of 20 to 30 cm improves comfort while ensuring optimal absorption capacity.
  • Replace only the wet or reddish areas of the bedding.

The amount of bedding you need for your horses is directly related to the renewal frequency, which we often discuss on this blog and which is significantly reduced with Aubiose.

In this article, we will only discuss the amount of Aubiose bedding needed for “bedding” your stalls. However, some information may also apply to other brands or types of bedding:

  • Flax,
  • Straw,
  • Wood shavings,
  • Sawdust,

Or may not apply to others.

Physical symptoms such as:

  • Ruffled feathers,
  • Watery eyes,
  • Nasal discharge,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Or breathing difficulties are also good indicators that a health problem has occurred.


3 Factors Influencing the Amount of Bedding to Prepare for Your Horses

  • Stall size
  • The horse’s “cleanliness”
  • Stall usage frequency

A Significant Amount of Bedding at the Start but Then Reduced

Why Spread Enough Bedding in Your Horses’ Stalls?

  • Increased comfort
  • Reduction of the risk of laminitis
  • Reduction of ammonia odors
  • Reduction of injuries

How to Check if the Amount of Bedding in the Stall is Sufficient ?

3 Factors Influencing the Amount of Bedding to Prepare for Your Horses

First of all, before definitively answering the question you are asking, be aware that the number of bags you will need to purchase will vary depending on:

1. Stall Size

Not all stalls are the same size:

  • A standard stall for ponies or small horses (Anglo-Arabs, Mérens, Fjord, Haflinger…) will typically be 9 m² and 3×3 meters.
  • However, for larger horses, your stalls may be 3.5 or 4 meters in length and/or width, with an area ranging from 11 to 16 m².

Obviously, these larger models require investing in a greater quantity of bedding at the installation.

2. The Horse’s “Cleanliness”

Horses don’t always have the same needs.

Some urinate frequently, while others do so less often. In the latter case, a highly absorbent bedding will solve much of the problem. The same applies in the case of frequent droppings; the water content in the horse’s manure will be more easily absorbed with bedding that has high absorbency.

3. Stall Usage Frequency

In the summer, your horses are mostly in the pasture. 🌺

In these conditions, it is common for the stall to remain vacant for weeks, especially if each horse has its own designated stall, which is generally the case in private stables or small family facilities.

An unused stall keeps its bedding clean, and the renewal frequency is then extended.

A Significant Amount of Bedding at the Start but Then Reduced

To start correctly with Aubiose bedding in a bare stall of standard size (i.e., 9 m² if you’ve been following), plan for 6 bales of 20 kilos.

Then, simply remove the surface waste and wet areas daily. You’ll be surprised to find that the wet layer naturally separates from the dry surface layer. Be careful not to mix them and simply bring the dry bedding from the edges towards the center to level the floor after removing the droppings.

After that, to maintain an ideal amount of bedding, add one bale or ½ bale per week.

This system ensures a clean and healthy stall while being economical and easy to manage in the long term.

Why Spread Enough Bedding in Your Horses’ Stalls?

Several reasons justify not skimping on the amount of Aubiose bales at the start.

1. Increased Comfort

😴 A thick and soft bedding provides a comfortable bed for horses, reducing stress and allowing for better post-exercise recovery (essential for racehorses, competition horses, or simply horses in riding clubs).

Thick bedding is also preferable for mares about to give birth or their newborn foals who do not yet sleep standing up and are not yet stable.

It has been reported by our customers that horses (geldings, stallions, mares outside of foaling periods) lie down more often on Aubiose bedding.

2. Reduction of the Risk of Laminitis

🩺 A sufficient amount of bedding, as recommended by the manufacturer, will be more absorbent. This will provide a dry surface that reduces the risk of laminitis in affected horses. Good news for veterinary costs!

3. Reduction of Ammonia Odors

🦨 A sufficient amount of bedding more effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors and improves air quality in the stable.

4. Reduction of Injuries

💥 A good thickness of bedding creates a stable surface that reduces the risk of injuries caused by potential slips for horses that do not have a “sure foot.”

It also reduces the force of impacts—especially for unshod hooves. A phenomenon observed in stressed horses (or simply greedy ones) who dig into the ground searching for pellets or trying to attract attention (usually from a mare in heat).

How to Check if the Amount of Bedding in the Stall is Sufficient?

If you have followed the instructions provided with your Aubiose bedding bags at the start, there should be no problem. However, if you have doubts, check the thickness of the bedding in the stall.

We previously discussed the advantages of sufficient thickness. But how many centimeters should this thickness be? And what do we mean by “sufficient amount”? 🤔

If you observe a bedding layer between 20 and 30 cm, you have spread a correctly judged amount! 👏

(Promise, it won’t be boring !).

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