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Hemp Litter : The 3 Necessary Manufacturing Steps

Step 1: Hemp Sowing

The cultivation of hemp usually begins around late April / early May, 🌞 when the soil temperature reaches about 10°C, which promotes rapid and uniform seed germination. Depending on the type of hemp, the seeding density varies :

  • 45 kg/ha for conventional hemp used for its seeds and fiber,
  • and sometimes up to 90 kg/ha for textile hemp in certain regions.

The seeds germinate in 5 to 7 days, marking the beginning of the cultivation cycle. .

For conventional hemp, around 200 plants per square meter are maintained during this phase. Textile hemp, on the other hand, can reach between 250 and 300 plants per square meter. Hemp growth continues until flowering, usually around August 10th, which is determined by the duration of light exposure. The goal is to achieve a plant height of 2 to 3 meters.

📈 After flowering, seeds begin to form. The hemp harvest period can be adjusted according to specific production goals. It requires special attention from growers, which leads us to the next step of the manufacturing process…👇

Step 2 : Hemp Harvesting

Equipment used for hemp harvesting

For harvesting hemp, different equipment is used :

  • ✅ a modified combine harvester with a new high cutting bar for harvesting the seed heads,
  • ✅ a mower,
  • ✅ a dryer or drying floor for drying the seed heads.

Mowing method of hemp (according to expectations)

Unthreshed hemp before flowering for stem use only: A first harvesting method involves not “threshing the plant.”

In this method, seeds are not recovered and the entire plant is mowed. In contrast, in the threshed harvesting method, seeds are recovered in the field: Either with a machine that harvests both seeds and mows the straw. Or in two separate passes: first, the seeds are harvested with a combine harvester equipped with a maximally elevated cutting bar, then the straw is mowed.

After harvesting, the straws are left in place and we proceed with turning (turning over). This process is crucial because the alternation of dew, rain, and sun promotes retting, thus removing the pectins from the plant.

Once retted, the fibers become rot-proof and naturally protein-free, making them unattractive to rodents and mites. 🐀

When the straw reaches an optimal moisture content 💧 for pectin-free fiber processing (about 14 to 18%), it is collected and compressed into bales using a straw press. These bales are then stored in well-ventilated sheds to be protected from moisture for up to 15 months after harvesting.

When the straw reaches an optimal moisture content 💧 for pectin-free fiber processing (about 14 to 18%), it is collected and compressed into bales using a straw press. These bales are then stored in well-ventilated sheds to be protected from moisture for up to 15 months after harvesting.

Would you like to know more about the benefits of hemp litter for your livestock and/or pets ?

Step 3: Transforming Hemp into Litter

Hemp bales, weighing up to 400 kg, are decompressed and transported via an air system to a mechanical fiber separator. The goal of the fiber separator is to divide the hemp stem into two main components :

  • The fiber,
  • The hurds.

In summary…

🌿 Cultivation and Harvesting Process

Late April / early May: Hemp sowing Start of hemp cultivation with specific seeding densities depending on the type (45 kg/ha for conventional hemp, 90 kg/ha for textile hemp). Seed germination in 5 to 7 days.

Around August 10th : Hemp flowering Growth until flowering, influenced by the duration of light exposure. Plant can reach 3 meters.

Summer/Autumn: Hemp harvesting and storage Use of adapted combine harvesters and mowers for harvesting seed heads. Different mowing methods: unthreshed or threshed to recover seeds and/or straw.

Straw storage in dry sheds for up to 15 months after harvesting.

🏇 Transformation into litter (for horses and other livestock or pets)

  • Fiber processing
  • Dust removal
  • Sizing

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Aubiose vous propose une litière de chanvre conçue pour toutes les espèces animales* énoncées dans cet article !*Nb : (Gamme spéciale chat en cours de développement…)